Synod on Synodality
Over the next several years, the Church around the world will be participating in a process called the Synod on Synodality. The Holy Father will be meeting with Bishops from across the globe in 2023 to discuss ways of improving the process by which the church on all levels is open to hearing the voices of people from all walks of life.
That process will begin here in Boston now with asking as many people as possible to take a simple survey. The link to the survey can be found here:
Please distribute this survey as broadly as possible. Send it, along with this note, to your various mailing lists in your parishes and other ministries.
This survey is the first step. Other upcoming steps will be:
An opening Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, on Saturday, November 27, at 4:30PM. The Mass will be broadcast on CatholicTV, as well being a live event.
Discussions in the Presbyteral Council, Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, and Parish Pastoral Councils and Parish Finance Councils, using a set of questions which will be distributed soon.
Focus groups in various ministries, religious communities, and demographic populations across the Archdiocese.
Five regional sessions that will be open to the public.
The collection of all of the feedback, and its compilation into a ten-page document which will be submitted to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in April of 2022.
A closing liturgy at the Cathedral in late April of 2022.
In this process, we hope to be able to make some contribution to the global conversation on synodality. More importantly, we hope to improve the synodality of various local institutions here in the Archdiocese, as well as of the Archdiocese itself.